Past Events


Co-op Archives Visit 9.10.24

A group of our members shared a visit to The National Co-operative Archives in Manchester with Tameside Local History Forum.  There was a huge amount of interest in this visit but numbers were limited so we are planning to hold another trip some time soon.

Wythenshawe Hall - 5th October 2024

Twenty members of Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society took a behind the scene visit to Wythenshawe Hall. The tour guides we Ingrid Holden and Liby Edwards both from Friends of Wythenshawe Hall. Lawrence Gregory was on hand to supervise!!






Recent Event: The Old Manchester Collection - Manchester Art Gallery 20.9.24

This was a visit to the Manchester Art Gallery to view the Old Manchester Collection under the guidance of curator Hannah Williamson. The Collection was formed by a sub-committee of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society for an exhibition at the Queens Park Art Gallery, North Manchester, in 1909, comprising archaeological finds, prints, drawings, medals and curios which told a story of Manchester from the Romans to the industrialists. The Committee donated the objects to the city and they remained on display for over 40 years.  The Gallery is reviewing the collection in 2024-26, asking how these objects can help us to understand the ever-changing city of Manchester, and is looking forward to welcoming todays antiquarians (or antiqaries if you prefer) to the Gallery to help to answer this question. Hannah provided a behind-the-scenes introduction to the collection, followed by light refreshments.

If you look at under 'Taking Stock' and then at the 'Old Manchester Collection', it's exciting to see our name on the mighty Manchester Art Gallery website! There are a few examples of items from the collection illustrated there, but the curators are looking for volunteers to help with researching and re-cataloguing  the complete holding:

Hannah and her team were enthusiastic about the collection and eveyone felt the time allowed was too little.  Hannah was persuaded to agree to give a Zoom talk on this collection, which will take place in 2025, and another visit has been promised as soon as possible.

Many thanks to Hannah and her team for making this a memorable day for the Society.


12th June 2024 - Rob Drummond - Manchester Voices
On Wednesday 9th June we were treated to a zoom talk by Rob Drummond. We had a great attendance and everyone found the talk gripping.
Rob gave a fascinating talk titled Manchester Voices following on from research undertaken in Greater Manchester using some interesting techniques and a van named The Accent Van.
The research showed how the way we speak does relate to who we are or how we perceive ourselves. He showed the really significant differences between the accents and dialects of people across the ten boroughs. It asked do we even relate to the idea of ‘Greater Manchester’, or do our voices and attitudes suggest older loyalties to Lancashire and Cheshire? Many differenes were shown. Rob answered some of the questions that were addressed in the Manchester Voices project, the largest sociolinguistics project of its kind examining the spoken language of Greater Manchester. The findings uncovered a deep and complex relationship between spoken language and our sense of identity, and offered unique insights into how very aware many people are of the way they use language. The findings also demonstrated that accent diversity is alive and well across the region, even if some cherished dialect terms are beginning to fade away.
In this talk, Rob discussed the process and outcomes of the research, and explain why knowing more about how language works is valuable for everyone.
Manchester Histories Festival - 9th June 2024
Manchester Histories Festival Celebration Day that was held in Manchester Central Library.
We had a a stall and Alice Lock and Brian Higgins were there  and thoroughly enjoyed saying hello to members that came along.  According to Alice is was really good to put faces to names and thanks everyone that  introduced themselves.
Annual Conference 11th May 2024

Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society – Annual Conference 11th May 2024

On Saturday 11th May we held our Annual Conference at The Friends Meeting House in Manchester. It was a huge success and very well attended.  We had a full room and had to bring in chairs from the foyer.

Our President Mike Nevell opened the day by thanking all the speakers and for everyone coming along from Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society plus our friends from Manchester and Lancashire Family History Society.  We did have some guests who had paid the £12 fee and Mike offered those people a chance to upgrade to membership of LCAS by paying an extra £8 for the annual membership of £20.  As far as I could see everyone took up his kind offer and we now have several new members, great.

The morning session focused on historical talks.  We started off with Ian Mitchel and his talk on Mantles and Myths which was about Browns of Chester c 1780-2021 and gave us an insight into retail life at that time.  Next came Helen Corlett and her fascinating talk on The Cooper at Old Bridge End discussing Finding a Place in Early 19c Manchester all of which was supported with lots of slides.  Finally, just before lunch we were introduced to John Marsden by Hilary Hartigan both from Manchester and Lancashire Family History Society.  John talked about the huge projects that their society regularly undertake into the lives of local people.  The society holds over 3.5 million records which have been gathered from so very many sources and available online to members.  They have 15  volunteers on a rota basis manning the desks at Central Library and over 100 transcribing old records.  John gave us an insight into the workings with slides.

The morning session went really well and we all trotted out in to Manchester to get a sandwich and a drink and to sit  in the beautiful spring sunshine. Enjoying the fresh air and sights of bustling Manchester 2024.  A far cry from the discussions of the morning.

The afternoon session was devoted to archaeology.  First out of the trap was Normal Redhead with Castleshaw Roman Fort, Saddleworth.  It was an illustrated talk on the 1st Century AD fort that has been uncovered.   He showed slides of various stages in the dig and explained what was going on to great effect.

Next came Neil Coldrick with his talk on Medieval Ironworking in Holcombe Valley where evidence has been uncovered of ironworking in the 13th and 14th centuries.  Again we were shown some amazing slides and Neil, entertainingly, explained the whole process and how iron was recovered and all the stages it went through to make it a workable commodity. He also explained about how they need to be careful where and when they dig in Holcombe because it is used by the Ministry of Defence for practice.

Last but certainly not least came Kelly Griffiths and her talk, Scuttled -   Excavations on the Historic Canal Basin in Rochdale. As an industrial archaeologist Kelly had been asked by her company to check out the site before work could start on building new houses.  What was discovered was nothing less than amazing.  Boats that had been scuttled were still in evidence, hence the name.  Kelly talked about  life on the canals and how they played a vital part in the role of manufacturing in the area.  There was a whole tale to tell with some brilliant slides.  This project has aroused so much interest that an Audio Drama has been produced which will be narrated by Christopher Eccleston, our own Salford lad. Once we have more details I will post them on FB.


Air Hole for Tuyere.jpeg           








3rd April 2024

Joanna Williams - The Great Miss Lydia Becker: Suffragist, Scientist and Trailblazer. Zoom 7pm 3rd April 2024


Lydia Becker was brought up near Manchester in a middle-class family as the eldest of fifteen children, she broke away from convention, remaining single and entering the sphere of men by engaging in politics. Lydia addressed innumerable audiences, not only on women's votes, but also on the position of wives, the abuse of women, and their rights at work. She battled grittily to gain academic education for poor girls, and kept countless supporters all over Britain and beyond abreast of the many campaigns for women's rights through her publication, the Women's Suffrage Journal. Steamrollering her way to Parliament as chief lobbyist for women, she influenced MPs in a way that no woman, and few men, had done before. In the 1860s the idea of women's suffrage was dismissed as ridiculous and unnatural. By the time of Lydia's death in 1890 there was a wide acceptance that the enfranchisement of women would happen, sooner or later.

6 March 2024

Andrew Hobbs gave a talk about the History of Cheshire Life and Lancashire Life

These two familiar magazines began publication in the 1930s (for Cheshire Lifeand 1940s (Lancashire Life) and attracted a massive readership. They tell us a lot about county identities, social class, people’s sense of place and attitudes to the countryside while giving us a picture of the changing nature of the “county set”.

21 February 2024

Lucy Evans gave the Morris Garrett Memorial lecture: A True Lanky: the Life and Circles of William Edward Armytage Axon (1846-1913)”

Lucy has written a biography of W E A Axon, an important figure in the history of the Antiquarian Society and an almost unbelievably prolific writer and social reformer. Lucy has tracked down over 1000 books, pamphlets, articles (including many in our Transactions), obituaries, poems, translations, stories and dialect pieces so anyone interested in the history of Manchester will have come across him at some point! He came from a difficult background, born illegitimate he was adopted by the Axons and was self-taught, including learning many languages, and had many jobs including as a librarian at Manchester Central Library and a journalist for the Manchester Guardian.

24 January 2024

Brian Groom  spoke about his new book titled Made in Manchester: The story of a city that shaped the modern worldThis was a historical narrative of Manchester’s history of sport, music, literature and ideas, an account of the city from Roman times to the eras of Emmeline Pankhurst, Anthony Burgess, Oasis and New Order.

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Catherine Nevell spoke about ‘The New Learning: Schooling in the North-West during the long Sixteenth Century’ on Zoom, based on her Ph.d research.

28th October 2023 - Salford Histories Festival

Salford Histories Festival

On Saturday we had a stall at the Salford Histories Festival held in the Fletcher Hall, Swinton.
It was very well attended and there were many stalls, displays and talks given about the history of Salford and surrounding area.
During the day our treasurer Lawrence Gregory and council member Rev. Dr. David Lannon were presented with the Frank Mullininuex Award. This award is given every year in recognition of a significant and original contribution to local history studies. The book which was recently published chronicles the lives of 19th century Catholic clergy of southeast Lancashire. Many copies of the book were sold on the day but they can also be bought via our website, on Amazon or at one of our meetings. I'm certain that David or Lawrence would happily sign a copy for you if you come along to our next event, which of course will be detailed on this page and our website.
Lawrence Gregory and David Lannon was presented with the award by a member of Salford City Council
17 September 2023

Terry Wyke, the Manchester historian, led a walk round St Ann’s Square in Manchester on 17 September for the Society as part of the Heritage Open Days events. The group was able  to visit St Ann’s Church and see the brass name plates indicating ownership the pews by Manchester’s elite. Terry then traced the evolution of the square from upmarket housing to smart shops with stories about the square’s landmarks such as the Cobden statue, Boer War memorial and the Exchange building.

Wednesday 13 September 2023

A small group was shown round Central Library by Jane Parr of Manchester Local Studies and Archives, and enjoyed the chance to see the stacks and some interesting items form the archive collection. The group were especially interested in the records of Prestwich Hospital and the Goad fire insurance plans with their detailed information about the occupiers of property in the city centre.

9 September 2023

Mike Nevell led a group round Park Bridge, between Ashton-u-Lyne and Oldham, on a very hot day. Park Bridge Ironworks was a thriving family business for nearly 200 years and exported iron all over the world. Now it’s a picturesque rural hamlet, the remains of the ironworks and other buildings being left as “recognisable ruins” as an early example of conservation of the industrial past. This walk was jointly arranged with Tameside Local History Forum and was part of the Heritage Open Days events.

140th Anniversary and Book Launch 5th September 2023



2023 was the 140th Anniversary  of the formation of our Society.  Lanashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society was formed in Manchester in 1883.

To mark this occasion we produced a double edition of Transactions which was launched at the Central Library in Manchester on 5th September.

The event was well attended with wine and nibbles served to the guests.

As a society we are eager to raise our profile and we gained many new members on the day.





Tuesday 6 June 2023

Mike Winstanley, a “retired” Senior Lecturer in History at Lancaster Universityspoke about Edwin Butterworth, Lancashire’s forgotten historian (1812 - 1848). Well-known in the Oldham area Edwin and his father James are largely forgotten elsewhere. Edwin was also a reporter for the Manchester press and worked for Edward Baines on his History of Lancashire (1836).

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Our President, Mike Nevell, talked about Park Bridge at the Tameside Local Studies and Archives Centre. Park Bridge, an industrial hamlet near Ashton, was well known for its ironworks which supplied rivets for the Eiffel Tower (among other things!).

25 April 2023

Bernadette Hyland talked about Mary Quaile, a Manchester trade unionist. Bernadette is an activist and writer whose interests include women, class, culture and history. Her publications include Northern ReSisters Conversations with Radical Women, Dare to be Free and the blog Lipstick Socialist. She has transcribed the minute books of the  Manchester and Salford Women’s Trades Council which have been donated to the Working Class Movement Library and are also available on a website. Mary Quaile (1886 1958) became involved in trade union activities while working at the Clarion Cafe in Manchester. In 1911 she began working for the Manchester Women’s Trades Council and rose through trade unionism to sit on the General Council of the TUC. She was involved with the General Strike and had trips abroad including to the Soviet Union. Bernadette is a founder of the Mary Quaile Club which was set up to hold discussions on working class history.

Tuesday 24 January

Paul Newman, Archives and Local Studies Manager at Cheshire Archives, talked about the exciting new plans for archives in Cheshire. A huge Heritage Lottery Fund grant has been approved to create two new centres in Chester and Crewe allowing better preservation of Cheshire’s collections, the expansion of learning and outreach activities and the improvement of research facilities.

Tuesday 21 February

The Morris Garratt Memorial Lecture featured Andrew Walmsley talking on 'The Mexico Disaster and the St Anne's Lifeboat Monument: Identity, Memory and Nationhood' which was based on his PhD research into this striking piece of public sculpture. The monument has been an important part of the landscape at St Anne's since its unveiling in 1888 and the talk explored its significance over time. At various times it has been an important symbol for the promotion of this seaside resort, a focus for local belonging, and an embodiment of nationhood in a local setting.

Sunday 8 May 2022

Terry Wyke led a walk round Manchester statues. Public statues have been in the news, so this was an opportune moment to look at them again and be reminded of the historical contexts which led to the commissioning and siting of some of the city's most prominent statues and monuments. Not all public memorials and statuary have survived so consideration was also be given to those many memorials which have been removed. We began in Piccadilly Gardens considering the statues raised on Joseph Paxton's esplanade before making our way towards Albert Square via St Peter's Square.

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Melanie Giles talked about Bog Bodies.The well-preserved bog bodies of northern Europe have fascinated archaeologists, poets and film-makers, yet their discovery often concerned the communities who found them. In this talk, Dr Melanie Giles (University of Manchester) shared the latest thinking about the phenomenon: explaining the science behind their preservation and the challenges this creates for museum curators, as well as discussing the ethics of displaying such remains. She situated them back within the bogs, mires and mosses from which they came; asking us to think differently about these landscapes and what they meant to prehistoric communities, as well as interrogating different ideas behind their often violent death and deposition in the bog. Amongst the cauldrons, weapons and foodstuffs also ‘offered up’ to the bog, she argued that some of them take their place as part of powerful exchanges with sacred entities but that others represent the ‘right place’ to inter those executed for crimes or dying mysterious or troubling deaths. Ending with the tale of Manchester’s own bog head – Worsley man – she tried to unpick the life and death of this bog head, whose story must be placed within that of the Roman occupation of northern Britain.

Wednesday 2 March 2022

Brian Groom, a former senior editor at the Financial Times and editor of Scotland on Sunday, spoke on Northerners, from the Ice Age to the Present Day, based on his forthcoming book Northerners, A History. He laid out the dramatic events that created the north - waves of migration, invasions, battles and transformative changes wrought on European culture and the global economy, with a focus on how the north's people have shaped Britain and the world in unexpected ways.

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Professor Nick Mansfield of UCLAN spoke on Thomas Ferriar, Mancunian South American liberator. St Ann’s Church in central Manchester contains a memorial to the Ferriar family. This includes Thomas Ferriar (1785-1821), who was mortally wounded while commanding the British Legion at the crucial battle of Carabobo, under the eyes of Simon Bolivar – ‘the Great Liberator’. This victory secured independence from Spain for Venezuela. Ferriar’s statue figures prominently in the Campo Carabobo national monument. Why did a Mancunian play such a prominent part in the South American liberation movement?

Walk round All Saints Manchester, Saturday 31 July 2021

On Saturday 31 July 2021 Antiquarian Society members enjoyed a walk round All Saints in Manchester led by Terry Wyke. From Grosvenor Square to All Saints. 

The making and remaking of  a Georgian Square showed us the origins of the area now transformed by the MMU campus. Though planned as an upmarket address fr the prosperous encroachment by industry from the city centre soon changed the type of people who were living there, but there were imposing public buildings - All Saints Church, two Presbyterian chapels, the Chorlton-on-Medlock Town Hall and the Manchester School of Art. Terry also showed us the mile marker used by cab drivers to establish the distance to the city centre (now preserved in the School of Art) and the remains of an old synagogue hidden behind Oxford Road.

Walk at the Bridgewater Canal, Sunday 22 August 2021

On Sunday 22 August 2021 Mike Nevell led a walk at the Bridgewater Canal. We met at the Bridgewater Monument on Worsley Green in Salford in brilliant sunshine to go round the village. Mike described the recent excavations on the Green and we saw the surviving workers housing around the village, the canal infrastructure including the grain warehouse, dry docks and the lime kiln. Mike was able to explain the rather strange sculpture at Worsley Delph where he described recent conservation work. It was an illuminating account of the transport system of the Industrial Revolution.

Other past LCAS events include:

Edge of Empire: Recording the Romans; Wigan, 5 October, 2019

Visit to Bolton Museum, 9 May 2019

Keeping up with the past; 12 May 2018

Catholic history day; Saturday 12 November 2016

Visit to Wardley Hall; Thursday 3 November 2016

Manchester in the Age of Mrs Gaskell; Saturday 28 November 2015

Visit to Clayton Hall;  Saturday 9 May 2015

Morris Garrett 1937-2021

Members will be sorry to have heard recently of the death of Morris Garratt which occurred on September 5th.  Morris will be chiefly known as the long serving Secretary of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society (L.C.A.S.), but during his membership he held several other offices. He joined the Society in 1975 and became Secretary in 1979, a position which he held for 34 years until 2013. While continuing the work of Secretary he added those of Editor, or sometimes Assistant Editor, of the Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society. He was elected President of the Society for 2012-16 and on the occasion of his 80th birthday in 2017 his contribution to the Society was recognised by his election as an Honorary Vice-President.

Morris was born at Warrington in 1937, and grew up at Thelwall nearby, attending Lymm Grammar School. After working at Stretford Library for a time he took up a post in Stafford. In 1962 he married Eileen Hill, who will be remembered by many of our members, but sadly died earlier this year. In 1969 they returned to Cheshire, settling in Cheadle Hulme.  Morris then took up an appointment at Middleton Library, where he stayed, holding various posts until his retirement.

His work with our Society continued, adding the task of organising meetings and excursions on many occasions, and for a time he was Treasurer and Membership Secretary. He also became a committee member of the Lancashire Local History Federation and represented the L.C.A.S. on the committee of the Cheshire Local History Association, to whose journal, Cheshire History, he was a contributor. He chaired the Middleton Civic Association, and with Eileen was a member of the Friends of Bramall Hall and Park. He wrote several books and articles, including Samuel Bamford: portrait of a radical, and books on Middleton and Stockport; he was a member of the Stockport Local History Society.

It would be hard to find a member of our Society who has done so much over so many years for his own and other societies as Morris. We will miss his energy, his resourcefulness and the unfailing warmth of his friendship.

A full appreciation, together with a bibliography, will appear in the Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society due for publication later this year.